✉ kpgptti@gmail.com ☎ (03552) 255653


District Institute of Education & Training
----10th March 1950-----

About Us

Kalimpong Govt. PTTI was established in the year 1950 along with four other Teacher Training Institutes  in the state of West Bengal  with intake capacity of 40( Forty) Trainees. At the  time of it’s establishment, the  Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal, named it as Kalimpong Basic Training School vide Memo No1076-Edn dt Calcutta the  10th March 1950. The intake of the Institute was increased in 1962 from 40 to 120. Non-manclature of Kalimpong Basic Training School was changed to Kalimpong Govt. Primary Teachers’ Training Institute since 1990 by the Director of School Education, West Bengal. In all over West Bengal, after the introduction of D.El.Ed. Course (session 2012-14), intake has been fixed to 50. Kalimpong Govt. PTTI is the only Nepali Medium Institute in the state of West Bengal offering D.El.Ed. Course for the students of four Districts viz. Kalimpong, Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri and Alipurduar. At present this PTTI is upgraded as DIET Kalimpong vide Memo no. 368-SED-13037/121/2023-ELEMN SEC-Dep of SE Dated: 12/11/2024.


Our History

kalimpong Govt. PTTI has to be upgraded as DIET (District Institute of Education & Training). Kalimpong Sub-Division has been declared as fully fledged district. So, there is great scope of up gradation as DIET. Proposal regarding the matter has already been placed to the Education Department, West Bengal Government.

Our Vision

Kalimpong Govt. PTTI has developed Bridge Course Materials for One year and Two year D.El.Ed.(ODL mode) Course along with Text Book for B.Ed. Trained   In-service- Teachers. M. Bhujel (Lecture-in-charge) is one of the members of curriculum development of D.El.Ed. Course in Nepali subject, in West Bengal Board of Primary Education.

Our Mission

Nepali Sahitya Adhan Samiti, literary organisation recognised by the Sahitya Academy, New Delhi has felicitated Kalimpong Govt. PTTI for its contribution in  the field of Literature and Cultural Activities on 30/ 06/2016.
Kalimpong Govt. PTTI also feliciated for making Bhanu Bhakta’s statue in Tricon Part at Kalimpong by it’s Art Teacher on 13/07/2016.